TAX TALK-02.10..2017-THE HITAVADA TAX TALK CA. NARESH JAKHOTIA Chartered Accountant The change in the base year from 1981 to 2001 is for all classes of assets be it real estate, unlisted shares, gold and bond funds). As a result of this amendment, the cost of all the assets acquired prior to 01.04.2001 would be replaced by the fair market value of the assets as on 01.04.2001. Change in the base year from 1981 to 2001 is for all classes of assets Query 1] I am senior citizen. My present means of livelihood is my pension and bank FD interest. It amounts to around rupees six and half lakh. In the present FY, the tax for income till five lakhs is 5% and above that is 20%. Most of my income falls into the 5% tax bracket the bank however cuts TDS at 10%. I will get refund no doubt but why should people like me or others who earn five lakhs a year suffer an excess tax deduction and loss of monthly income till the month of refund. Please advice whom t...