house rent: salaried preferred over self employed Query 1] I am paying a house rent for Rs 14,000/- per month and additional Rs. 1,200/- towards maintenance for which receipt is being given to me every month. Will I get HRA exemption on Rs. 14,000/- or Rs 15,200/-. Please clarify. [N.K. Panda- ] Opinion: With handful of options to save tax for the salaried taxpayers, one can definitely explore the possibility of reducing tax bill by revisiting the exemption & deduction provision. One such tool is claiming an exemption towards rent payment of residential accommodation. Employees generally receive a house rent allowance (HRA) as a part of the salary package, in accordance with the terms and conditions of employment. HRA is given to meet the cost of a rented house taken by the employee for his stay. Exemption on HRA is available under Section 10(13A) of the Income Tax Act and Rule 2A of the Income Tax Rules . Taxpayer would be surprised to see that ...