TAX TALK-02.04.2012-THE HITAVADA TAX TALK BY CA. NARESH JAKHOTIA (Chartered Accountant) “INCOME TAX: BUILDER TO DEMOLISH THE EXISTING HOUSE & RECONSTRUCTS FLATS” Query 1] We are in discussion with a builder to demolish the existing house & reconstruct flats on the same plot with an understanding that he gives us 2 flats in the building, one in my name and the other in my father’s name, plus some cash to my father. The possession of the Flats is likely to be given by the builder within 15 months from the date of agreement. However, to ascertain the economic viability vis-à-vis the tax liability of the project, please guide me on the following points: i. How to calculate the capital gain tax? We are at a very preliminary stage of discussions and yet to determine the cost of the existing property that the Builder may give as also the cost of Flats that he may charge us from. ii. Will the exemption u/s 54 (LTCG) be available to ...