TAX TALK-30.05.2011-THE HITAVADA TAX TALK BY CA. NARESH JAKHOTIA (Chartered Accountant) “MCX/ NCDEX PROFIT: WHETHER SPECULATIVE PROFIT?” Query 1] 1) I want to know whether the deduction of interest on HBA for self occupied house is admissible when the house is in the sole name of the wife and the bank has given HBA loan to the husband, EMI is being paid by the husband from his salary bank account and the husband wants to claim the deduction u/s 24 for self occupied house. In other words if the self occupied house is not in the name of the assessee, whether deduction u/s 24 can be claimed for such property as self occupied? 2) With reference to your reply to Query No. 3 in the Hitavada Money Dt.18.04.11, you are requested to reconsider the reply with reference to the case O.P. Sharma Vs ITO [1986] 17 ITD 45 in which it is mentioned that the interest portion on non- refundable withdrawal is allowed on the portion of loan [] Opinion: - 1. Ownership is a condition pre...