TAX TALK-26.12.2011-THE HITAVADA TAX TALK BY CA. NARESH JAKHOTIA (Chartered Accountant) “ANCESTRAL PROPERTY PURCHASED IN 1936 SOLD NOW- INCOME TAX IMPLICATION” Query 1] We had an ancestral property purchased by our previous generation in 1936 and a house was built by them. My father and his 4 brothers were joint owners of the said property. After their death, their family members became the owners of the property. Now we sold the said property in Sept. 2011 for the total consideration of Rs. 277,44, 000/- & we (Total 18 members) received the consideration according to their ownership share. I am one of the co-owners amongst them and received Rs. 45, 77, 000/- as my share. Now please advise me the quantum of property gain tax, I am liable to pay. How it should be calculated? Is it to be paid on whole amount received? What are the ways to avoid the gain tax, how much should I invest in house property so as to save total gain tax liability as I wish to keep some liquidity with me. Wha...