TAX TALK BY CA. NARESH JAKHOTIA (Chartered Accountant) “TAXABILITY OF AMOUNT FORFEITED?” Query 1] My nature of business is to carry on business of acquiring, establishing, Running & maintenance of Hospital & Clinic Research Institutes. I want to know the treatment of the expenditure for Web designing, Domain Name & Space incurred before Incorporation. Can it be treated as Preliminary Expenses? Confusion is arising as this particular expenditure is not specified in Income Tax Act in Section 35D. [] Opinion: Conceptually, there is a difference in the concept of preliminary expenses under companies Act vis a vis Income Tax Act. Section 35D of the I.T. Act -1961 clearly and specifically mentions the expenditure to be included in preliminary expenditure. The I-T Act provides for amortization of preliminary expenses in 5 equal installments. The expenses referred to in your query doesn’t form the part of preliminary expenses for the purpose of Section 35D ...